
    Cray Relational Analysis of Expansive Soil Slop Moisture Influence Factors

    • 摘要: 将膨胀土边坡含水量变化视为一个灰色系统,采用灰色系统理论的关联分析方法,将气象站常规气象资料作为膨胀土含水量变化的影响因素来考虑,综合分析各影响因素对含水量变化的正、负关联特性,计算出影响土层含水量变化的综合关联指标。


      Abstract: The expansive soil slop moisture changes were viewed as a gray system.Based on the gray system theory relational analysis method,the meteorological station conventional meteorological data was thought about as the influence factors of expansive soil slop moisture changes to comprehensively analyze the plus-minus conjunction features of each influence factor to moisture changes and then to calculate the synthesis relational indexes which influenc the soil layer moisture change.


