Design of South-to-North Water Diversion Middle Line Tianjin Section Slow Sluice Gate Hoist
摘要: 针对南水北调中线一期工程天津段干线闸门采用闭门速度不大于0.1m/min特慢速卷扬启闭机的要求,分析了慢速卷扬启闭机布置方案,对提升机构的电动机、变速装置和制动器进行了方案研究和结构设计。Abstract: To meet the requirement of using special slow sluice gate hoist whose hoist speed is not more than 0.1m/min of Tianjin section main line of South-to-North water diversion middle line 1st phrase project, this paper analyzes the slow hoist layout plan and researches the plan and designs the structure of motors, transmissions and brakes.