
    Research on Relationship between Foundation Bearing Capacity and Water Level of Jinan Yellow River Beach

    • 摘要: 为了研究黄河滩地粉质沙土地质条件在水位变化影响下地基承载力的变化情况,在济南建邦黄河公路大桥工程进行现场试验,通过选址、数据收集与分析,得出:当滩地在地下水位线以上0~2.0 m时,其地基承载力随地下水位的降低基本呈线性增长状态;当超过2.0 m时,地基承载力基本趋于稳定。


      Abstract: In order to research the foundation bearing capacity changes of silty sand geological condition under the condition of water level change effect, the author does the site experiment on Jinan Jianbang Yellow River Road Bridge Project. By choosing the location, collecting and analyzing data, the author gets the conclusion that when the beach 0~2.0 m above the phreatic line, as the phreatic line has decreased, its foundation bearing capacity will keep the linear growth state, when more than 2.0 m above the phreatic line, the foundation bearing capacity will tend to be stable.


