
    Expedition and Reflection on Education of Essex University in UK

    • 摘要: 结合访学见闻,对英国艾塞克斯大学和邻近大学的教学理念、教学模式、人才培养和管理方法等进行了考察,进而对英国教育体系中专业模式的多元化、学制弹性化、基础课程宽泛化,课程设置模块化、教学个性化、课堂教学多元化及师资队伍和生源的国际化等进行了探析,认为其在增强专业设置的灵活性,课程设置的灵活性、开放性,尊重教育规律,注重服务意识,彰显以人为本理念,注重反思和批判精神培养5个方面有启示意义。


      Abstract: Based on the research work in Essex University, this essay introduces the scientific teaching viewpoint, teaching mode, students training and management practice actualized in Essex University and other universities nearby. It also interprets the multiplicity of the specialty mode, the flexibility of the length of their schooling, the extensity and modularization of their fundamental courses, the individuation of their teaching, the multiplicity of the class teaching, and the internationalization of the staff and the students. Some reflections and insight on the agilities of their subjects and courses, their deference of the education law, their people-oriented viewpoint in service, their focus on student's responses and creativity are revealed in detail as well.


