
    Finite Element Analysis on Huitengxile Wind-driven Generator Foundation

    • 摘要: 辉腾锡勒风电项目发电机钢筋混凝土圆形基础的主要受力钢筋配筋有两种配置形式:双向正交分布和径向分布,运用整体式体积率配筋的方法,建立风力发电机基础三维有限元模型。计算后得知:主要受力钢筋均满足强度要求。底部主筋配筋形式通过钢筋最大应力值和钢筋应力分布两方面的比较,采用径向分布要优于双向正交分布。


      Abstract: There are two kinds of main stressed steel reinforcement configurations of Huitengxile winddriven project generator steel concrete round foundation: two-direction orthogonal distribution and radial distribution. By the unitary volume fraction reinforcement method, the wind-driven generator foundation 3-D finite element model is established. The calculation shows that the main stressed steel stress could meet the strength requirement. By comparison of the max stress and steel stress distribution, radial distribution used on bottom main steel reinforcement is better than two-direction orthogonal distribution.


