
    On Education Information Dissemination Function of Mural Art in City Space

    • 摘要: 壁画是公共艺术的一部分,具有重要的信息传播功能,这种功能由来已久。在当今的信息化时代,壁画仍然承担着历史教育、审美教育、公益宣传教育、城市文化教育等信息传播功能。针对现今城市空间中壁画艺术存在的文化内涵缺失、创新精神缺乏、行政干预失度等缺陷,为顺应壁画艺术的多元化及人文性发展趋向,应当努力传承中国传统壁画的精髓,致力于现代壁画艺术的创新。


      Abstract: Mural is a part of public art and has an important information dissemination function, which has been a traditional one. At this informatization times, mural still bear the history education function, beautify appreciation education function, public welfare education function, city culture education function and so on. Aim to the existing culture connotation deficiency, innovation spirit deficiency, unbalanced executive intervention and so on of city space mural art, to conform to the mural diversification and humanity trend, we should try hard to inherit Chinese traditional mural essence to innovate modern mural art.


