
    Thought on Constructing and Perfecting Rural Old-age Insurance Mode

    • 摘要: 构建和完善农村养老保险体系,应从农村经济发展的差异性出发,依据不同经济发展水平分类设计。在贫困型农村,应建立以家庭养老为主的养老保险模式;在温饱型农村,应建立家庭养老和社区养老相结合的养老保险模式;在富裕型农村,应建立城乡统一的社会养老保险模式。同时还应考虑到进城农民工和失地农民的特殊养老保险问题。


      Abstract: The rural old-age insurance system should be constructed from rural economic development diversity and designed from different economic development levels. The family support should be constructed mainly as old-age insurance mode in poor country, the combination of family support and community support should be constructed in subsistence country and the unified social old-age insurance of city and country mode should be constructed in wealthy country. The old-age insurance of peasant-workers in cities and peasant people losing territory should be considered at the same time.


