Research on Influence of Row Spacing to Surface Roughness in Curve Surface Machining
摘要: 采用平行铣削对曲面进行数控加工时,行距对工件的表面粗糙度有一定的影响。通过实验,分析了行距对工件表面粗糙度的影响规律,随着行距的减小,表面粗糙度值也随之减小,表面精度也越高,但行距减小到一定程度,表面粗糙度值将不再减小。Abstract: The parallel milling is adopted to curved surface NC machining. The row spacing has an effect on surface roughness of workpiece. The influence law of row spacing to surface roughness of workpiece is concluded by experiment: with the decreasesing of row spacing, surface roughness value also subsequently reducde, surface precision gets higher also. when the row spacing reducs to a certain degree, the surface roughness will no longer decrease.