
    Reflection on Culture Teaching in Vocational College English Based on Perspectives of Postmodern Knowledge

    • 摘要: 高职公共英语教学存在着把英语“工具”化、文化教学内涵较少、除美英以外其他讲英语国家文化的缺失等诸多问题。后现代知识观认为,文化教学具有多元性和动态性。基于后现代知识观,提出从转变学生观念、加强教师自身的文化修养、注重教学中文化的多元化方面解决高职公共英语教学中文化教学存在的问题。


      Abstract: Many problems have arisen in vocational college English teaching: students regard English only as a tool; culture teaching is not enough; cultures of other English-speaking countries are absent in class teaching, etc. According to the perspectives of Postmodern Knowledge, culture teaching should have multifunctional and dynamic features. Therefore, correcting students' ideas, strengthening the teachers'culture education and emphasizing multiculture in teaching are proposed to solve these problems.


