
    Research on Yellow River Old-channel Wetland Natural Reserve Water Requirement

    • 摘要: 豫北黄河故道湿地鸟类国家级自然保护区,由于水源短缺、地下水位下降等原因,水面严重萎缩,鸟禽数量和种类急剧减少,并造成土壤次生沙化面积不断扩大等环境问题。通过对该湿地需水量的研究,为其生态修复工程提供科学依据。研究表明,根据降水特点,用较稳定的补水量达到稳定湿地面积的效果,从而使湿地的生态环境得到恢复和保护。


      Abstract: In the Yellow River old-channel wetland bird national natural reserve of north Henan province, because of being short of water resource and decline of underground water level, the water and the number and kind of bird and beast are reducing quickly and the problem of soil secondary deserfication is being more serious. The research of water requirement of this wetland can be as scientific proof to supply to the ecological restoration project. The research shows that according to the different rainfall year-types, the stable supplying water cab be used to keep the wet effect of land and to recover and protect the wetland entironment.


