
    Searching for the Literary Value of Moment in Peking from its Comparison with The Dream of Red Mansion

    • 摘要: 《京华烟云》被称为现代版的《红楼梦》。这部长篇小说从人物设置和文章结构方面,都借鉴了古典文学名著《红楼梦》,同时在时代背景、人物性格等方面也有明显不同。作者林语堂借鉴了《红楼梦》的艺术特色,在抗日战争背景下,创作了一部旨在把中国介绍出去,弘扬中国文化的史诗般巨著。从《京华烟云》和《红楼梦》的比较中,可以更加明确《京华烟云》的文学价值所在。


      Abstract: Moment in Peking is called the modern version of The Dream of Red Mansion. From the prospects of characters establishment and the structure, we can all find the hints of The Dream of Red Mansion. However, the two stories are set in different times and the characters are distinct. Lin Yutang learnt from The Dream of Red Mansion, created an epic novel under the background of war with the aim to give full scope to Chinese culture and introduce China to the westerners. From a comparison with The Dream of Red Mansion, the literary value of Moment in Peking can be seen more clearly.


