
    Research on the Relationship of Sampling Elements in 3D Laser Scanning System

    • 摘要: 在工程测量中,进行三维激光扫描时,扫描测量数据的质量与扫描采样间隔、激光光斑大小、扫描距离有关。研究发现,激光光斑大小与扫描距离呈线性变化关系,且激光光斑具有边缘效应,扫描距离和最小采样间隔的关系也呈线性变化关系。


      Abstract: In the engineering survey, when 3D laser scanning, the quality of scanning data has relationship among sampling interval, the laser spot size and scanning distance. It finds that scanning laser spot size and scanning distance existing linear relationship, the laser spot having edge effects, and it also present a linear relationship between scanning distance and minimum sampling interval.


