Cultivation on Harmonious Elements of Literature and Art in Harmonious Society
摘要: 文学艺术的和谐元素是社会和谐思想的承载者,“和谐理论”可溯源于中外古代文学艺术理论,如古希腊和中国古代和的谐美理论。当前文学艺术存在着创作方面不和谐、评论方面不和谐等突出问题,应当把握和谐社会建设的时代脉动,从激浊扬清、褒美贬恶,疏通民意、化解矛盾,倡导环保、关注自然等方面营造和谐的文化氛围,为建设和谐社会提供良好的文化条件。Abstract: Harmonious society thought is based on the harmonious elements in literature and art.Harmonious theory has its roots in ancient literary and artistic theory, such as the harmonious theory in ancient Greek and ancient China. There are many problems in the harmony of literary creation and criticism. It is necessary to keep pace with the construction of harmonious society, to create harmonious culture atmosphere to support the better cultural condition for constructing harmonious society.