Disruption and Reconstruction of the Moral Code under Power System—Searching for Tragic Subject of Dou E Yuan
摘要: 根据关汉卿所处元朝时代的社会性质和对窦娥悲剧形象的反抗性、斗争性及《窦娥冤》结局的分析,认为元杂剧《窦娥冤》通过塑造窦娥这一封建伦理道德信奉者、维护者的形象,表达了作者在强权制下重建伦理秩序和礼教规范的意愿。Abstract: According to the Yuan dynasty social nature of Guan Hanqing, the analysis of the ending of the tragic character Dou E's resistance and fight, it can be concluded that by means of the description of Dou E, who embraces and maintains feudal ethics。 The author expresses the public will, which is to reconstruct ethical order and moral codes under the power system.