
    Research on Reinforcement of Higher Vocational Education Construction of Henan Province

    • 摘要: 河南省高等职业教育获得了快速发展,办学规模不断扩大,改革和发展成就斐然,但也存在着政策执行力度不足、宣传不到位,社会认识存在偏见,经费投入不足,部分人才培养的规格、质量与经济社会发展需求不适应等问题,呈现出“大而不强”的特征。应当采取加大宣传力度,加大政策执行力度,建立完整的高等职业教育学历体系,发挥示范性高等职业院校的引领、带动和辐射作用,吸纳百强企业、共建职教集团,加强“双师型”师资队伍建设,加强国际合作与交流等对策,加强河南省高等职业教育。


      Abstract: In Henan province, the higher vocational education has been experiencing a rapid development.The education scale has expanded unceasingly and has made remarkable achievements, but there are some problems, such as insufficiency of policy guidance and publicity, bias of public awareness, funding shortage, unsuitable talents training model and so on. So, we should enhance the propaganda, complete higher vocational education qualifications system, play the leading role of demonstration vocational colleges, and strengthen teaching staff construction and international cooperation to develop the higher vocational education in Henan.


