
    Industry Structure Transformation Analysis on Resources-exhaustion of Jiaozuo City

    • 摘要: 焦作市被国家确定为资源枯竭型城市并走上了转型发展的道路。以焦作市2006年至2010年共5年的主要行业统计数据为依据,选取32个主要产业的统计数据作为基本分析数据。运用SPSS软件进行主成分分析,将采掘业发展状况、产业结构变化指数、专业化指数作为焦作市转型情况分析指标。分析表明:焦作市产业结构不断变化,新兴产业专业化程度不断加强,煤矿资源衰竭影响变小。但传统产业、初加工业的比重依然很高,高附加值、高新技术产业有待加强。


      Abstract: As the coal mining industry of Jiaozuo got into massive decay stage in 1990's, Jiaozuo City was determined as one of the national resource-exhausted cities, and embarked on the path of transformation development. With case Jiaozuo City, this paper analyzes tentatively industrial structure change of resourceexhausted mining cities. Based on the data of the added value with major industries of Jiaozuo city from 2006 to 2010, the statistical data of 8 major industries are selected as the basic data for analyzing. Taking industrial structure change index and specialization index as the analysis ones for Jiaozuo's transformation, principal components are analyzed with software SPSS. As the result, Jiaozuo City's industrial structure is changing continuously, with specialization degree of emerging industries being reinforced increasingly; meanwhile, the coal resources exhaust is no longer a serious threat to economic development in Jiaozuo.However, the proportion of traditional and initial handling industries is still high with few high value-added and high-tech ones.


