
    Water Conservancy Industry Core Value and Chinese Water Culture Spirit Inheritance

    • 摘要: 水利行业核心价值观是中国社会主义核心价值观的组成部分,是人民治水事业的宝贵精神财富,其主要内容是除害兴利、造福民生、人水和谐、确保安全。中华水文化的精神内核是水利精神,它是中国古代水利实践所孕育出来的宝贵精神成果,与中华民族的优秀精神相伴而生。它所化育出来的中华水文化充满历史的正能量。水利行业核心价值观是对中华水文化精神内核的最好继承,水利行业核心价值观赋予中华水文化以时代精神。


      Abstract: Water conservancy industry core value is a component part of China’s socialist core values, is precious spiritual wealth of people’s water conservancy undertakings. Its main contents include promoting the beneficial and abolish the harmful, bringing benefits to the mankind, promoting the harmony between human and river water, ensuring safety. The water conservancy spirit is the spiritual core of the Chinese water culture, is the precious achievements created by ancient Chinese, and it accompanied by the excellent spirit of the Chinese nation. This Chinese water culture is full of positive energy of history. The water conservancy industry core value is the best inheritance of the Chinese water culture spiritual core, and it endows the Chinese water culture with the spirit of the times.


