
    Exploration and Analysis on Conceit of John Donne’s A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning

    • 摘要: 英国17世纪的卓越诗人约翰·邓恩的爱情诗歌《别离辞:莫悲伤》是运用奇思妙喻的经典作品。分析了诗歌的创作背景及其奇思妙喻的艺术特征和时代意蕴,选取爱逾生死、看得开别离,情比金坚、经得起考验,爱似圆规、离不开彼此3组比喻,对诗歌的奇思妙喻进行了探析。


      Abstract: A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning is the classical love poem in the terms of use of conceit written in 17th century by the famous British poet John Donne. The paper analyzes the poem’s creating background as well as artistic features and time implication of conceit, deals with conceit in three perspectives: love is beyond death, which can overlook the departure; love is harder than gold, which can stand the test; love is like a compass, which cannot separate from each other.


