
    The Snows of Kilimanjaro based on Iceberg Theory

    • 摘要: 海明威的创作具有“冰山风格”,《乞力马扎罗山上的雪》就是海明威笔下一篇浓缩了的长篇小说,是体现其冰山理论的代表作。小说中雪、豹子、秃鹫和鬣狗等意象各具意蕴,象征意义深刻,揭示了人物的性格特征,渲染了气氛,达到了深化主题的目的。作者通过对意识流叙事手法的运用,巧妙安排了主人公的意识在时间和空间里的自然流动,省去了大量的笔墨,有利于海明威“冰山风格”创作理论的运用。


      Abstract: The snows of Kilimanjaro is a very concentrated novel in Hemingway's famous works, which is the representative of the iceberg theory. In the novel, symbolism is omnipresent, presenting the theme, revealing personality, and heightening the atmosphere, so as to achieve the purpose of deepening the theme. Meanwhile, Hemingway took the narrative of stream of consciousness in this novel, which sometimes brings the readers into the nightmare and sometimes returns to the real world with the hero. This stream of consciousness alternated between time and space, which is an exact reproduction of Harry's inner life before he died.


