
    Research on Deepening Link-up of Secondary and Higher Vocational Education

    • 摘要: 实施中高职教育深度衔接,形成现代化职教体系,促进职业教育协调发展是新时期职业教育改革发展的重要任务。在分析我国中高等职业教育衔接的内涵、现有的模式及其存在问题的基础上,探讨了加强深度合作的路径:课程开设模块化、培养目标阶梯化、学制弹性化、职业生涯指导一体化、中高等职业院校合作链条融合化。提出了促进深度合作的政策性建议:扩大自主办学权、畅通人才升级渠道、完善学校颁证制度等。


      Abstract: It is important to implement the deep link-up of secondary and higher vocational education, form the vocational education system, promote the harmonious vocational education development in the new period of the vocational education reform development.On the basis of analyzing the present link-up situation of secondary and higher vocational education in China, it provides some methods to reinforce the deepen corporation:set up the modularization course, cultivate the layering target, implement the elastic educational system, establish the career guide system, reinforce the corporation of secondary and higher vocational schools.It also puts forward the deepen corporative suggestion:enlarge the autonomous right to run the school, supply the channel to develop and the right to award certificate.


