
    Research on Distorted River Model Vertical Velocity Deviation Influence

    • 摘要: 河工模型试验中袁变态河工模型量测的断面平均流速与正态河工模型量测的断面平均流速有一定的偏离袁变率取值越大袁变态模型的断面平均流速与正态模型的断面平均流速偏离度越大遥通过同变率典型工程模型试验得出院变态模型的断面平均流速总体大于正态模型的断面平均流速遥变态河工模型断面平均流速偏离度受变率选取尧边界条件及流量大小影响袁边界顺直尧水流平稳处袁变态模型的断面平均流速偏离度小于20%;边界变化较大尧流态紊乱处袁变态模型的断面平均流速偏离度大于20%。


      Abstract: In river model experiment, the section average flow velocity is different between distorted river model and normal model, the deviation degree of average flow velocity increases with the increase of distorted rate. The typical construction experiment shows that the section average flow velocity of distorted river model is faster than normal model; it is affected by distorted rate, boundary conditions and flow. The deviation degree of section average flow velocity is less 20% in boundary straight and flow smoothly, otherwise the opposite.


