
    Ice-run Situation Feature Analysis on Yellow River Ningmeng Section From 2012-2013

    • 摘要: 2012~2013年度,黄河宁蒙段的凌情特点是流凌、封河早,封河水位低,槽蓄水量大,开河时间早,开河洪峰小等。封河前期气温低、开河前期气温偏高、2012年汛期宁蒙段长时间洪水冲刷是造成上述特点的主要因素。河道形态、水文条件、水库调度等也是影响该年度凌情的重要因素。提出了丰水年份汛期利用梯级水库联合调度对黄河宁蒙段进行适当的调水调沙,减轻凌汛压力的建议。


      Abstract: From 2012-2013, the ice-run situation features of Yellow River Ningmeng section are:the flowing ice, the early frozen river, the low water-level of frozen river, the large water-storage of groove, the early open-up-river, the small flood peak of open-up-river and so on.The low temperature of earlier stage of frozen-river, the high temperature of earlier stage of open-up-river, the long-period flood scour of Ningmeng section of 2012 flood season are the main factors of the above features.The riverway form, the hydrologic condition, the reservoir regulation are also the important factors to influence this year’s ice-run situation.It is suggestion that the cascade reservoir united dispatch should be used to do proper water and sediment regulation to Yellow River Ningmeng section in ample-waterd year flood season and reduce pressure of the ice-run.


