
    Research on Relations of Typical Region Slope Runoff and Erosion Sediment of Loess Plateau

    • 摘要: 通过对黄土高原典型区天水梁家坪、西峰南小河、绥德辛店沟1945 1963年坡面径流场的径流及产沙数据进行定量分析,研究了该区坡面径流与侵蚀产沙关系。结果表明:绥德、西峰地区坡面径流与侵蚀产沙为y=ax+b线性回归关系,天水地区坡面径流与侵蚀产沙为幂函数关系,考虑到现有资料的局限,针对黄土高原侵蚀降雨历时短且集中等特点,引入了I最大降雨因子,得拟合公式为M=KHa(I平均)b(I最大)b。该式可使复相关系数提高至0.7以上。


      Abstract: This paper analyzes the Liangjiaping of Tianshui, runoff of Xifeng River, Suide Xindiangou from 1945-1963 slope runoff plot and sediment data for quantitative analysis. The relations of slope runoff and erosion sediment of Suide and Xifeng area is y=ax+b linear regression, and the relations of slope runoff and erosion sediment of Tianshui area is power function. Considering the limitations of existing data, according to the features of soil erosion on the loess plateau rainfall duration was shorter, the equation M=KHa(I平均)b(I最大)b was introduced, the multiple correlation coefficient increased to more than 0.7.


