
    Research on Support for Employment Disadvantaged Group of Higher Vocational Graduates

    • 摘要: 在高职院校毕业生中,女生、家庭经济困难学生、生理心理有疾的学生就业出现了困难。就业困难群体具有自尊与自卑相交织、自我封闭与焦虑并存、自立性与依赖性相互依存、强烈的成才意识与目标迷失共存等共同特征。可以通过建立社会政策支持体系、综合素质培养、社会资本积累及完善就业指导体系等手段来解决高职学生就业弱势群体的问题,而学生的职业生涯规划教育和实施是其核心手段。


      Abstract: For higher vocational graduates, the girls, the impoverished students, the students with physiological and psychological diseases get into employment difficulties.The employment disadvantaged group has the characteristics of self-respect interweaves with self-contempt, self-reclusive coexists with anxiety, independence and dependence are interdependent, the strong success consciousness exists with target lost.We can take some effective measures to solve the problem of higher vocational graduates' employment disadvantaged group, such as to establish social policy support system, to cultivate comprehensive quality, and to accumulate social capital to improve the employment guidance system.And the students' career planning education and implement are its core parts.


