
    On College Students Language Competence Cultivation

    • 摘要: 语言表达能力是当代大学生应该具备的必备素质,但目前高校学生在人际交往中普遍存在如下问题:语言表达缺乏分寸,说话不得体;语言表达假话、大话、套话多;语言表达不注意对象、忽视礼节等。高校学生应该清楚地认识到培养语言表达能力势在必行,在人际交往中依据交谈对象的身份和地位选择说话的内容、措辞和语气,要针对交谈对象的年龄和性格特点进行语言表达,交谈中还应考虑对方地域和职业的差异,根据交谈对象的文化程度选用不同的说话方式。


      Abstract: Language competence is the necessary quality of modern college students.But there are some existing problems of college student's interpersonal communication:speaking impropriely, telling lies, neglecting etiquette and so on.The college students should realize that cultivating language competence is very important.It should select the content, expression and mood based on the speaking object's identity and status; express the meaning based on the speaking object's age and characteristics of personality; select the different methods based on the speaking object's territory and job differences.


