
    Application of HEC-RAS Model to Huiji River Kaifeng Section River Channel Regulation Project

    • 摘要: 以淮河流域的惠济河开封段为例,采用HEC-RAS模型分别模拟了5年一遇和20年一遇设计频率洪水下的演进过程,并可视化显示出水面线、流速、溃堤位置等信息。结果表明:该模型在分析计算平原地区河流水面线时有较好的适用性,为疏浚河道、防洪除涝、综合治理等项目提供参数。


      Abstract: Taking Kaifeng section of Huiji River in Huai River basin for an example, HEC-RAS model is applied to simulate the process of five-year and twenty-year flood.And the information of water surface profile, velocity and levee break position is visually displayed.The simulation results show that the model is applicable for the water surface profile in plain area, meets the needs of flood control and waterlogged elimination, and also provides technical support for river regulation project.


