
    Research on Enterprise to Promote Secondary and Higher Vocational Link-up Coordinated Development

    • 摘要: 中高职衔接是职业教育体系建设的重要环节,而企业积极参与是中高职科学衔接、提升教育教学质量的关键因素。结合衔接实践,重点论述了企业在中高职人才规格制订、培养方案制订、课程体系和课程内容制订、活页教材建设、综合性实训基地建设中发挥的作用及其效果。


      Abstract: Secondary and higher vocational link-up is an important part of vocational education system construction.The enterprise’s involvement is the key factor of secondary and higher vocational science link-up and education teaching quality improvement.With link-up practice, it states the function and effect of enterprise in secondary and higher vocational talent standard, cultivation program, curriculum system, curriculum content, leaflet teaching material, integrity training base construction.


