
    Research on Infrastructure Construction Investment and Financing Management of Kaifeng City

    • 摘要: 从开封市公共交通、供水排水、燃气供应、园林绿化、环境卫生5个方面分析开封市基础设施建设项目投融资管理方面存在的问题,提出通过建立多元化的投融资体制,拓宽投融资渠道,建立建设基金,鼓励民间融资等方面优化投融资管理模式,助推开封市城市化建设快速发展。


      Abstract: From public transportation, water supply and drainage, gas supply, landscaping, environment health, it analyzes the existing problems of infrastructure construction investment and financing management of Kaifeng city.It puts forward to establish the diversified investment and financing system, broaden the investment and financing channel, establish the construction fund, encourage the private financing and so on to optimize investment and financing management model, then to promote the urbanization construction fast development of Kaifeng city.


