
    Design on Massive Data Storage System Software Based on LabVIEW

    • 摘要: 为了满足工程项目对测试信号多通道、长时间、不间断海量数据的准确、快速存储需要,在LabVIEW编程环境下,采用生产者与消费者模式设计了一套数据存储系统。分析了系统结构和存储文件的特点,设计了程序流程图,探讨了海量数据存储模块的设计过程。


      Abstract: In order to meet the needs of engineering tothe test signal multi-channel, longtime and uninterruptedstore massive dataaccurately and fast, under the LabVIEW programming environment, a data storage system is designed by using the producer/consumer design pattern.The system structure and the selection of storage files are analyzed, as well as the program flow chart is established and the design of data memory module is discussed.


