
    On Higher Vocational Talent of Water Conservancy Training Quality Improvement Ways

    • 摘要: 为了提高高职水利类专业的人才培养质量,遵循“专业与产业对接、课程内容与职业标准对接、教学过程与生产过程对接、专业技能与岗位技能对接、学历证书与职业证书对接”的原则,对水利类专业的人才培养模式、课程体系构建等内容进行改革,提出了水利类专业工学结合的“2+1”分段式人才培养模式,构建了项目化课程体系和理实一体化教学模式并进行了实践。


      Abstract: In order to improve the higher vocational talent training quality of water conservancy,to conduct the profound reform and innovation of talents training mode,course system construction by following the principles of“specialty dock with industry,course content dock with professional standards,teaching process dock with production process,professional skills dock with job qualification,academic certificate dock with vocational certificate”,this paper puts forward the“2+1”sectional talent training mode of working and learning combination,builds the project-based course system and teaching mode combining theory with practice,then it carries on practice and has very good effects.


