
    Assessment Research on Water Resources Carrying Capacity of Kaifeng City Based on Binary-pattern and Multip le-weight Way

    • 摘要: 针对区域水资源承载力的综合评价问题,采用“自然-人工”二元模式识别出自然因素、人工因素和水资源因素为水资源承载力的影响因子,在此基础上,构造了多层次半结构评价指标体系,建立了基于多重赋权的改进多级模糊评价模型,并将该模型用于开封市水资源承载力综合评价中。计算结果显示,在2004~2013年间,2007年为水资源承载力的最优年份。


      Abstract: In view of the regional water resources carrying capacity comprehensive assessment,this paper identifies that the natural factors,artificial factors and water resources factors are the water resources carrying capacity influencing factors by using“natural-artificial”binary pattern.On this basis,it constructs a multi-level and semi-structure assessment indicator system,and sets up an improved multi-level fuzzy assessment model based on multiple weights,and then uses this model in water resources carrying capacity comprehensive assessment of Kaifeng city.The assessment result shows that in 2004-2013,the water resources carrying capacity appears the optimal state in 2007.


