
    Research on 2MW Photovoltaic Power Generation System MPPT of Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute

    • 摘要: 分析了最大功率点跟踪的基本扰动观测法的原理和优缺点,提出了一种改进算法,即加入步长变化的环节,在工作点远离最大功率点区间时,设定扰动步长相对较大;在工作点接近最大功率点区间时,设定步长相对较小。通过仿真实验对改进算法进行了验证,得出该算法既能在稳态时减小功率损失,又能在外界条件剧烈变化时提高动态响应和系统稳定性,从而达到预定控制效果。


      Abstract: In the Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute MPPT control of photovoltaic power systems,it makes the photovoltaic battery has the highest utilization rate and improves the efficiency of power generation.It analyzes the basic principle and advantages and disadvantages of DOM(Disturbance Observation Method),and proposes an improved algorithm.The setting perturbation step is relatively large,when the working point goes away from the range of MPP;the setting step is relatively small,when the working point goes close to the range of MPP.Improved algorithm is verified through simulation experiments,it is concluded that when external conditions change drastically,the improved algorithm can not only reduce the loss of power,but also can improve dynamic response and stability of the system,then gets the expected control effect.


