
    Study on Higher Vocational Culture Construction Path Based on Perspective of Culture“Three Entries”

    • 摘要: 文化传承创新是高职院校的重要职能。“以文化人”是高职院校实现文化育人的目标,培养高素质技术技能人才的必然要求。针对高职院校如何推进“产业文化进教育、企业文化进校园、职业文化进课堂”的问题,提出了建议路径,即以社会主义核心价值观为引领,通过校企合作,开展文化融合研究和实践;创造性地开展专业文化建设;发挥高职教师在文化传播中的主导作用;建设独具特色的校园文化品牌等。在传承创新中,增强文化软实力,提升文化育人水平和能力,培养全面发展的创新型技术技能人才。


      Abstract: Culture inheritance and innovation is an important function of higher vocational colleges.“Cultivate people with literature” is a necessary requirement of higher vocational colleges to implement the cultural education target and cultivate the high-quality skilled talents.In view of the problems of how to implement“Industry culture enter into education,enterprise culture enter into campus,professional culture enter into classroom”in higher vocational colleges,this paper comes up with the suggest paths as follows:take the socialist core values as a guide,via the school-enterprise cooperation,to carry out the cultural fusion research and practice;carry out the professional culture construction with innovation;give full play of the higher vocational teachers'leading role of in culture transmission;construct campus culture brand with unique features,etc.In the process of culture inheritance and innovation,we should strengthen the cultural soft power,improve the level and ability of cultural education and cultivate the all-round development of innovative skilled talents.


