Study on Cultivation Feasibility of M TI Specialized in English for Water Resources
摘要: 水利英语方向翻译硕士与其他方向的翻译硕士和水利类硕士专业英语的教学既有区别,又有联系。培养水利英语方向翻译硕士在学科建设层面顺应了水利英语和翻译硕士教学与研究的发展趋势,在服务社会层面适应专门用途英语教育理念下我国水利事业国际交流与合作发展深化的需要,因此具有较大可行性。Abstract: The specialty English teaching of MTI specialized in EWR is related but different from other MTI specializations and master majoring in hydraulic engineering.It is reasonable to cultivate MTI specialized in EWR both in the academic level,which can meet the requirement of the further development of both the teaching and research of EWR and MTI,and in the practical level,which can meet the demand of international communication and cooperation development in hydraulic engineering circle.