
    On Flood and Tide Control Demonstration of Reclamation Planning Scheme in The Pearl River Estuary

    • 摘要: 构建了一、二维潮流数学模型,选择近年洪、中、枯有代表性的6组洪水,模拟计算了珠江河口某围垦规划方案对周边水域的影响,分析了规划方案对横门及横门南支泄洪纳潮的不利影响,提出了对不利影响的防止与补救措施。


      Abstract: It builds one and two dimensional tidal current mathematical model,calculates the influence of reclamation planning scheme on surrounding waters in the Pearl River estuary through selecting six groups of flood in recent years,and analyzes the bad influence of planning scheme on hengmen and its south branch flood discharge and puts forward the prevention and remedial measures.


