
    Exploration and Analysis on Communication Engineering Budget Course Teaching Reform of Higher Vocational College

    • 摘要: 通信工程概预算是通信专业的专业技能课程,具有涉及的知识点多、内容庞杂、预算过程枯燥等问题,虽已开设了相关内容的精品课程,但辅助教学的作用并不明显。因此,以校企合作为保障,构建了“工作过程+微课+翻转课堂”的教学模式,并结合分层分类教学设计和基于工作过程的多样性考核等措施,从而促使学生自主学习,实现因材施教和职业技能的全面提升。


      Abstract: Communication engineering budget is a professional skill course,which has much more knowledge and content,the boring budget process.The auxiliary teaching effect is not good,though it has set up the excellent course.Based on university-enterprise cooperation,by building“Working process+Microclass+Flipping-classroom”teaching mode,combined with the stratified teaching design and the workingprocess diversity assessment countermeasure,it prompts students to do autonomous learning and realize their aptitude and improve professional skills.


