
    Discussion on Some Judicial Affair during Vocational College Students' In-post Internship Period

    • 摘要: 高职学生最后一学期到用人单位顶岗实习,是一种使高职学生能够顺利融入社会,适应职业要求的培训活动,也是国家对后备劳动力资源的一种开发与规划。从身份、劳动合同、学校与接受实习单位之间的法律关系、顶岗实习期间学生是否应该享受同工同酬、顶岗实习期间与学生相关的伤害事件的法律关系及法律适用问题等几个方面,对顶岗实习期间容易出现的法律问题进行了探讨,以期对保障高职学生顶岗实习期间的相关合法权益有所帮助。


      Abstract: Vocational college students are asked to practice in engaged firms in their last term in order to adopt the future job and emerge into the society.It is a training activity initiated by the country to explore and plan the storing labor force.In order to guarantee the higher vocational students' legitimate interests,it discusses the common judicial questions during the internship period,such as identification,contract,the judicial relation between school and engaged firms,students equal payment with peer workers,judicial relation of students hurt affair concerning during the internship period.


