
    Research on Sediment-Transport Water Volume and Efficiency in Lower Yellow River Channel during Flood Period

    • 摘要: 利用小浪底、花园口等水文站的水沙资料,计算黄河下游河道各水文站不同运用时期的输沙水量及其占对应时期径流量的比例,探究河道的输沙规律及影响因素。分析发现,黄河下游河道汛期冲淤平衡时,各水文站输沙水量与小浪底水文站的水沙指标具有较好相关性,总体上随径流量、流量和来沙量的增加而增加,随含沙量和来沙系数增加而减小并趋于稳定,输沙水量占径流量的比重随含沙量和来沙系数增加而增加并趋于稳定。这表明,黄河下游在汛期输沙水量较为稳定,且输沙水量较小,输沙效率高。通过小浪底水沙过程调配,达到了黄河下游河道水沙资源优化配置的目标。


      Abstract: According to the water and sediment of Xiaolangdi and Huayuankou hydrologic station,it calculates the sediment-transport water volume and total runoff volume proportional in lower Yellow River during different operational period,analyzes the law of sediment-transport and influence factors.The result presents that the sediment-transport water volume in lower Yellow River has better relationship with indexes of Xiaolangdi’s hydrologic data under the erosion and deposition state in flood season.In general,the sediment-transport water volume increase with the increment of runoff,flow and sediment;on the contrary,it decreases with increment of sediment concentration and incoming sediment coefficient.The ratio of the sediment-transport water volume to runoff gradually increases and has stable trend with increment of sediment concentration and incoming sediment coefficient.It indicates the sediment-transport water volume is small and stable,the efficiency of sediment-transport is more higher in flood season.After Xiaolangdi reservoir regulation of flow and sediment,it reached the optimized allocation purpose of water and sand resources in lower Yellow River channel.


