Research on Effect of River Environment Sediment to Pollutant Migration and Transformation
摘要: 河流环境中的泥沙是污染物迁移转化的主要媒介。分析了泥沙在河流水环境污染中的作用,针对河流中泥沙污染物迁移转化现象,分析了泥沙吸附与解吸的主要模式及影响因素,探讨了泥沙对污染物迁移转化特性和迁移转化模型的影响。Abstract: The river environment sediment is the main medium of pollutant migration and transformation.It analyzes the effect of sediment in river water environment pollution.According to the phenomenon of river environment sediment pollutant migration and transformation,it also analyzes the main models and effect factors of sediment adsorption and desorption,discusses the effect of sediment to pollutant migration and transformation feature and model.