
    Investigation and Practice on Class Teaching Method of Specialized Course in Universities

    • 摘要: 为了更好地开展专业课的课堂教学活动,从学生基本情况、平时成绩评定方式、教师教学过程、课程考核方式、多媒体教学方式、课件共享方式等6个方面设计了调查问卷,对华北水利水电大学农业水利工程专业的学生展开调查。调查结果表明,72.6%的学生赞成全员点名的考核方式,48.4%的学生赞成以论述题或案例分析为主的开卷考试方式;68.6%的学生希望与老师互动交流或进行课堂分组案例讨论;为了便于复习和整理笔记,60%的学生喜欢以幻灯片为主板书为辅的教学内容呈现方式,且希望老师允许学生拷贝课件。


      Abstract: In order to better carry out class teaching of specialized course,a questionnaire is designed from six aspects of the student basic information,the ordinary grade assessment mode,the teacher teaching process,the course assessment mode,the multimedia teaching mode,courseware sharing mode.Investigation results show that the 72.6% of the students agree with the assessment mode of full attendance at any time,the 48.4% of the students agree with the assessment way of the course with open-book exam with a form of essay questions or case studies.The 68.6%of the students want to interact with teachers,and be communicated between classes or case discussions in groups in classroom in classes.In order to facilitate taking pictures and organize notes,the 60% of students like the slide-based teaching methods supplemented by blackboard.Lastly,the students wish the teacher allows students to directly copy the courseware.


