
    Exploration of Talent Cultivation Mode of Application-oriented University “Level-division,Individuation, Orientation”

    • 摘要: 随着水利行业结构转型升级的加快,市场对懂技术、会管理的应用型技术技能人才的需求量急剧提升。研究应用型本科人才培养模式,以适应经济和水利行业发展对应用型技术技能人才的需求,成为高职院校可持续发展需要面对的课题。通过对水利行业工作岗位及典型工作任务进行分析,创建了“分层次、个性化、导向式”生产主导型人才培养模式,构建了“‘校内校外’‘线上线下’交替实践”的实践教学体系,以期为提高人才培养质量提供有益参考。


      Abstract: As the water conservancy industry structure upgrading, the market demands for the technicians and management talents.It researches the talent cultivation mode of application-oriented university to meet the demand of the development of economy and water conservancy industry for skilled and applied water conservancy talents,which has become a subject for the vocational college sustainable development.By analyzing the operation post and typical tasks in water conservancy industry, it constructs the “Level-division, Individuation,Orientation” production-oriented talent cultivation mode and the “on-campus and offcampus, online and offline” alternating practice teaching system to provide beneficial reference for promoting talent cultivation quality.


