徐层珍, 许多. 语类分析在高职英语口语教学中的应用研究[J]. 黄河水利职业技术学院学报, 2020, 32(1): 82-86. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2020.01.018
    引用本文: 徐层珍, 许多. 语类分析在高职英语口语教学中的应用研究[J]. 黄河水利职业技术学院学报, 2020, 32(1): 82-86. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2020.01.018
    Xu Cengzhen, Xu Duo. Application Research on Genre Analysis to Higher Vocational College Spoken English Teaching[J]. Journal of Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, 2020, 32(1): 82-86. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2020.01.018
    Citation: Xu Cengzhen, Xu Duo. Application Research on Genre Analysis to Higher Vocational College Spoken English Teaching[J]. Journal of Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, 2020, 32(1): 82-86. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2020.01.018


    Application Research on Genre Analysis to Higher Vocational College Spoken English Teaching

    • 摘要: 英语口语教学的目标是致力于提高学生英语口头表达能力。 通过对语类理论的解读,把语类分析的方法引入高职英语口语教学,引导学生理解语境对语篇意义的制约,以及交际目的的实现与语言资源选择的关系,探索基于语类分析的高职英语口语教学模式及其实际的应用效果。实践结果表明,语类分析的教学方法能帮助学生更好地理解并创建符合特定语类惯例的语篇,提高他们的英语口语表达能力。


      Abstract: Spoken English teaching aims at improving the students’ ability of oral expression. Through the genre theory interpretation, the genre analysis method is introduced to Spoken English teaching. It guides students to understand the constraints of context on textual meaning, the relations between the realization of communicative purposes and the choice of language resources, and explores the spoken English teaching model of based on genre analysis and its practical application effect. The experimental results show that the teaching method of genre analysis can help students better understand and create discourses that conform to specific genre conventions, and improve their ability in spoken English.


