姚芬. 高职学报助力“双高”院校建设的思考[J]. 黄河水利职业技术学院学报, 2020, 32(4): 57-63. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2020.04.013
    引用本文: 姚芬. 高职学报助力“双高”院校建设的思考[J]. 黄河水利职业技术学院学报, 2020, 32(4): 57-63. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2020.04.013
    Yao Fen. Reflection on Assistance of Journals of Higher Vocational Colleges to Construction of “Double High-quality”[J]. Journal of Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, 2020, 32(4): 57-63. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2020.04.013
    Citation: Yao Fen. Reflection on Assistance of Journals of Higher Vocational Colleges to Construction of “Double High-quality”[J]. Journal of Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, 2020, 32(4): 57-63. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2020.04.013


    Reflection on Assistance of Journals of Higher Vocational Colleges to Construction of “Double High-quality”

    • 摘要: 在“双高”建设背景下,高职学报发展面临着诸多挑战,也有着良好的发展机遇。高职学报应坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚守正确的办刊方向,科学定位服务面向;做好做强特色栏目,彰显高职院校办学特色;提升学报国内外影响力,服务中国特色职业教育话语体系建设;坚守学术道德,高质量服务作者成长;严格制度规范和质量管理,推动质量文化建设。 高职学报还应创新发展举措,不断提升学报整体质量和影响力,打造与学校社会声誉和影响力相匹配的高质量、高品位的“精品学报”,助力学校“双高”建设和高职教育改革发展,服务国家创新驱动战略,促进创新型国家建设和地方经济社会发展。


      Abstract: Under the background of “Double High-quality” construction, the development of higher vocational journals is facing many challenges, but also has a good opportunity for development. Higher vocational journals should stick to the guidance of Xi Jinping thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, stick to the correct direction of running journals and scientifically orientate their service direction. It should do a good job in the characteristic column and highlight the characteristics of higher vocational colleges. It should enhance the influence of the journal at home and abroad and serve the construction of vocational education discourse system with Chinese characteristics. It should adhere to academic ethics and help the writer grow to a high level. It should strictly enforce rules, regulations and quality control and promote the construction of quality culture. It also should innovate the development countermeasure of higher vocational journals and improve the overall quality and influence. It will create a highquality and high-grade “Excellent Journal” that matches the social reputation and influence of the college,then to support the college “Double High-quality” construction and the reform and development of higher vocational education, to serve the national innovation-driven strategy, and to promote the building of an innovative country and local economic and social development.


