吕婷, 韩万海. 不同灌溉制度对油葵产量及水分利用效率的影响[J]. 黄河水利职业技术学院学报, 2021, 33(3): 29-32. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2021.03.007
    引用本文: 吕婷, 韩万海. 不同灌溉制度对油葵产量及水分利用效率的影响[J]. 黄河水利职业技术学院学报, 2021, 33(3): 29-32. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2021.03.007
    Lv Ting, Han Wanhai. Effect of Different Irrigation Systems on Oil Sunflower Yield And Water Use Efficiency[J]. Journal of Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, 2021, 33(3): 29-32. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2021.03.007
    Citation: Lv Ting, Han Wanhai. Effect of Different Irrigation Systems on Oil Sunflower Yield And Water Use Efficiency[J]. Journal of Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, 2021, 33(3): 29-32. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2021.03.007


    Effect of Different Irrigation Systems on Oil Sunflower Yield And Water Use Efficiency

    • 摘要: 针对甘肃省水资源紧缺,作物大水漫灌严重浪费水资源问题,课题组于2018 年在武威市中心灌溉试验站开展了油葵田间试验。试验设置3 个不同灌溉定额(120 mm、150 mm 和180 mm)的处理和1 个常规畦灌(210 mm)对照处理,采用EM50 监测土壤水分变化,探讨不同灌溉制度对油葵的生长、产量、耗水规律、水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,适宜的灌溉条件下(灌溉定额180 mm、灌水4 次),油葵干物质产量最高,与对照处理相比,水分利用效率WUE 提高约14%,节水约10%。


      Abstract: In view of the shortage of water resources and the serious waste of water resources by flood irrigation for crops in Gansu Province, a field experiment on oil sunflower was carried out in Wuwei Central Irrigation Experimental Station in 2018. Three different irrigation quotas (120 mm, 150 mm and 180 mm)and one common border irrigation (210 mm) contrast treatment were set, and the EM50 was used to monitor the changes of soil water. The effect of different irrigation systems on the growth, yield, water consumption rule and water use efficiency of oil sunflower were discussed. The results showed that under the suitable irrigation condition (irrigation quota 180 mm, 4 times), the oil sunflower had the highest dry matter yield. Compared with the contrast treatment, the water use efficiency (WUE) increased by about 14% and the water saving was about 10%.


