潘永胆. 牛首汉江特大桥改建工程对卧龙堤安全影响分析[J]. 黄河水利职业技术学院学报, 2021, 33(4): 17-21. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2021.04.005
    引用本文: 潘永胆. 牛首汉江特大桥改建工程对卧龙堤安全影响分析[J]. 黄河水利职业技术学院学报, 2021, 33(4): 17-21. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2021.04.005
    Pan Yongdan. Analysis on Influence of Reconstruction of Niushou Super Large Bridge of Han River on Safety of Wolong Embankment[J]. Journal of Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, 2021, 33(4): 17-21. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2021.04.005
    Citation: Pan Yongdan. Analysis on Influence of Reconstruction of Niushou Super Large Bridge of Han River on Safety of Wolong Embankment[J]. Journal of Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, 2021, 33(4): 17-21. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2021.04.005


    Analysis on Influence of Reconstruction of Niushou Super Large Bridge of Han River on Safety of Wolong Embankment

    • 摘要: 建设跨河、穿河、穿堤、临河桥梁工程和设施时,易引起工程处堤防近岸水位壅高和流速增加,对两岸堤防及岸坡产生局部不利影响。为了分析牛首汉江特大桥改建工程对卧龙堤安全的影响,在分析工程地水文地质资料的基础上,建立了基于有限元计算的渗流分析模型,分析了工程建设前后改建工程接堤防处堤坡的渗流抗滑稳定性。


      Abstract: Construction of bridge projects and facilities across the river,through the river,through the embankment,riverside is easy to cause the near shore water level to rise and increase in velocity,and has adverse impact on the banks of the embankment and local bank slope.In order to analyze the influence of the reconstruction project of Niushou super large bridge of Hanjiang River on safety of Wolong embankment,based on the geohydrogeological data,a seepage analysis model of finite element calculation was established.The seepage anti-sliding stability of the embankment before and after the construction of the reconstruction project were analyzed.


