王博. 大学英语课程思政的“道”与“术”[J]. 黄河水利职业技术学院学报, 2024, 36(2): 86-90. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2024.02.015
    引用本文: 王博. 大学英语课程思政的“道”与“术”[J]. 黄河水利职业技术学院学报, 2024, 36(2): 86-90. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2024.02.015
    WANG Bo. On "Dao" and "Shu" of Ideological and Political Education in College English Course[J]. Journal of Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, 2024, 36(2): 86-90. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2024.02.015
    Citation: WANG Bo. On "Dao" and "Shu" of Ideological and Political Education in College English Course[J]. Journal of Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, 2024, 36(2): 86-90. DOI: 10.13681/j.cnki.cn41-1282/tv.2024.02.015


    On "Dao" and "Shu" of Ideological and Political Education in College English Course

    • 摘要: 大学英语课程兼具工具性与人文性,具有得天独厚的育人优势。但是,偏重工具性、轻视人文性的既有教学模式极大限制了大学英语课程思政育人功能的充分发挥。从“道”“术”及其辩证统一关系来看,新时期大学英语课程思政的实践创新需要以大学英语课程思政之“道”为指引,弘扬立德树人的正道,寓“道”于“术”,提升育人能力;“术”以载“道”,强化育人保障;因“道”择“术”,优化教学设计,从而使工具性与人文性和谐统一,实现知识传授、能力培养和价值塑造“三位一体”人才培养目标。


      Abstract: College English courses are both instrumental and humanistic, with unique educational advantages. However, the existing teaching mode, which emphasizes instrumentality and ignores humanity, greatly restricts the full play of the ideological and political educational function of college English courses. From the perspective of "Dao" and "Shu" and their dialectical unity, the practical innovation of ideological and political education of college English course in the new era needs to be guided by the "Dao" of college English, and carry forward the right path of moral education. Combining "Dao" with "Shu" to enhance the ability of education, strengthen the education guarantee, optimize the teaching design, so as to harmonize instrumentality and humanism, and realize the "Trinity" talent cultivation goal of knowledge imparting, ability cultivating and value shaping.


