
    On Sustainable Evaluation of Water Resources in Yanhe River Basin Based on Water Footprint Theory

    • 摘要: 基于SWAT模型和水足迹理论,模拟延河流域蓝绿水量,评价其水资源可持续性。结果表明:1980—2020年,延河流域多年平均蓝绿水量为45.68亿m3,蓝绿水系数分别为30.6%和69.4%,水资源构成以绿水为主;退耕还林缓解了流域水资源紧张状态,水资源短缺指数从0.40降至0.36;退耕还林对缓解流域水资源压力具有积极作用,使水资源压力指数平均降低了33.89%;流域多年平均灰水足迹为8.62亿m3


      Abstract: Based on the SWAT model and the water footprint theory, the blue and green water quantities in the Yanhe River Basin were simulated, and the sustainability of its water resources was evaluated. The results indicated that during 1980-2020, the average blue and green water quantities in the Yanhe River Basin were 4.568 billion m3 for many years, with the blue and green water coefficients being 30.6% and 69.4% respectively. The composition of water resources was dominated by green water. The policy of returning farmland to forest alleviated the water resources stress in the basin, with the water resources shortage index dropping from 0.40 to 0.36. The return of farmland to forest had a positive effect of alleviating the water resources pressure in the basin, reducing the water resources pressure index by an average of 33.89%. The multi-year average grey water footprint in the basin was 0.862 billion m3 for many years.


