
    Research on Fish Passage in the Fishway of Banduo Hydropower Station

    • 摘要: 为了解班多水电站鱼道设计的合理性,选用7种土著鱼类进行鱼类通过性试验。试验结果表明,在通过率与折返率方面,鱼类通过率范围为14.3%~72.7%,折返率范围为2.0%~28.6%,整体通过率为45.8%,整体折返率为15.5%。在上溯时间方面,整体表现为鮈亚科>条鳅亚科>裂腹鱼亚科。在上溯速度方面,整体表现为裂腹鱼亚科>条鳅亚科>鮈亚科。在过鱼规格方面,表现为随着鱼类体长的增加,鱼类通过的比例呈递增趋势。在鱼类活动昼夜分布方面,表现为白天下午活动频率显著高于夜间活动频率。


      Abstract: In order to assess the rationality of the fishway design at the Banduo Hydropower Station, seven native fish species were selected to conduct fish passage performance experiments. The experimental results indicated that regarding the passage rate and the return rate, the passage rate of fish ranged from 14.3% to 72.7%, and the return rate ranged from 2.0% to 28.6%. The overall passage rate was 45.8%, and the overall return rate was 15.5%. Concerning the upstream time, the overall performance was as follows: the subfamily Gobioninae>the subfamily Cobitinae>the subfamily Schizothoracinae. Concerning the the upstream speed, the overall performance was as follows: the subfamily Schizothoracinae>the subfamily Cobitinae>the subfamily Gobioninae. Concerning the size of passing fish, as the body length of the fish increased, the proportion of passing fish presented an increasing trend. In terms of the diurnal distribution of fish activities, the activity frequency in the afternoon during the day was significantly higher than that at night.


