
    Construction and Practice of "Golden Courses" in College English Based on Language Economics

    • 摘要: 大学英语是大学生的公共必修课, 建设大学英语"金课"关系到人才培养质量。为破解大学英语"费时低效"的问题, 提高人才培养与市场需求的匹配度, 试结合大学英语课程教学的实际情况, 以问题为导向, 以学生为中心, 以学习产出为目标, 从语言经济学的理论框架出发, 建设基于语言经济特性的线上线下混合式课程结构, 探索基于语言经济价值的内容整合思路, 寻求基于语言技能资本的资源建设维度, 革新基于产出导向的多主体参与、多元化教学评价的方法和路径, 确立"金课"在提升大学英语教学实效上的经济价值。


      Abstract: College English is a compulsory public course for university students. The construction of "Golden Course" is closely related to the quality of talent cultivation. To address the issue of College English being time consuming and inefficient and improve the alignment between talent cultivation and market demand, it is advisable to adopt a problem-oriented and student-centered approach and target at learning outcomes. Starting from the theoretical framework of language economics, we can construct a blended online-offline course structure based on language economics characteristic, explore contents integration grounded in the economic value of language, seek resource construction based on language skill capital, innovate methods and paths for multi-educator participation and diversified teaching evaluation based on outcomes, thus establishing the economic value of blended "Golden Course" of College English in enhancing English teaching efficiency.


