中原文化对外传播叙事话语策略研究——以Where Zhengzhou为例

    Research on Narrative Discourse Strategy for External Communication of Central Plains Culture——Taking the Where Zhengzhou as an Example

    • 摘要: 地方媒体在对外讲好中华文化故事层面拥有特色文化资源基底与新型叙事话语表征。本研究以郑州报业集团对外传播融媒体中心外宣品牌Where Zhengzhou的中原文化对外传播实践为例,以其国际获奖作品与外宣语料为文本进行内容分析。研究发现:在文化叙事层面,外宣媒体采用“他者”视角传播中原故事,以线性叙事增进文化底色;在话语策略层面,巧用话语修辞创新新闻议题,促进中原文化“走出去”,成功地打造出了优秀外宣品牌。未来,结合新型媒介技术讲述中原故事是大势所趋,地方媒体应以年轻态“话语”减少文化误读,继而提升文化外宣传播力。


      Abstract: Local media possess a distinctive cultural resource foundation and new narrative discourse manifestations in effectively presenting Chinese cultural stories to the outside world. This research takes the external communication practice of Central Plains culture by the external communication and media convergence center of Zhengzhou Newspaper Group, namely the external publicity brand Where Zhengzhou, as an example, and conducts the content analysis on its internationally awarded works and external publicity corpora. The research discovers that at the cultural narrative level, external publicity media disseminate Central Plains stories from the perspective of "the other", and enhances the cultural undertone through linear narrative. At the discourse strategy level, it ingeniously employs discourse rhetoric to innovate news topics and facilitate the "Going Global" of Central Plains culture. In the future, it is an inevitable trend to combine new media technology to tell Central Plains stories. Local media should utilize youthful "discourse" to reduce cultural misinterpretations and subsequently enhance the dissemination power of cultural external publicity.


